Thing 6: Digital Storytelling

I chose to explore PowToon. I was first introduced to PowToon when the learning coaches in my district created one to share with us their purpose within the district as well as how to contact them. I thought it was super cool! I loved that it was an animation of sorts as well as a way to provide information. I also thought that my students would love to see something like this. Again, it would provide them with information but also would keep them engaged.
I made a PowToon a few years ago to share with my students an example of a project that they were going to do about animal research. I was able to model for them in an interactive way. Now, looking back I too can have them create a PowToon for a portion of their project. The project entails them picking an animal and researching 4 aspects of the animal; diet, characteristics, habitat and interesting facts. The research is recorded on index cards. Students then take the index cards and create an animal flip book. Just like I did in my PowToon, they too can create one with their note cards. Students can then share their PowToon with their peers, in addition to making their animal flip book. 
I also think my students would enjoy using PowToon to share their findings in science. Our science units require a lot of writing, which at times holds some students back. I think if they were able to express their thoughts using the PowToon format they might be more apt to be successful. 
As a teacher, I enjoy using PowToon to model and teach new topics. As I mentioned above it is engaging for students and tons of fun. The only drawback I see is that it does indeed take some time to create one, if you want to include all the bells and whistles. 

Animal Research PowToon


  1. Fun idea!! Nice work, enjoyed the polar bear presentation.


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